The influence of hair shave on the infection rate in Neurosurgery

K Tang, John Yeh, Spyridon Sgouros

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27 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether not shaving hair in neurosurgical operations carries an increased infection rate. METHODS: Taking advantage of different practices among neurosurgeons in a single institution, we embarked upon a prospective non-randomised study of 100 consecutive neurosurgical procedures involving 90 paediatric patients aged 7 days to 16.8 years. The patients were split into two groups ('hair shave' and 'no hair shave'). The differences with respect to wound complications, positive microbiology on wound culture swabs and wound infection rates were analysed. Other factors considered were the cleansing solution, prophylactic antibiotic regime, duration of the operation, the surgeon's experience and the patient's age. RESULTS: The only complications observed were 4 incidences of wound dehiscence (2 in the hair shave and 2 in the no hair shave group) and 3 shunt infections (2 in the hair shave and 1 in the no hair shave group). We did not find any significant difference between the two arms for any of the factors assessed. Age was a significant factor in shunt infection, as all shunt infections were seen in patients aged less than 6 months, regardless of whether the hair was shaved or not (p = 0.024, Fisher's exact test). CONCLUSION: This study confirms our clinical experience that no hair shave is a good alternative to the traditional hair shaving approach, allowing patients to enjoy the psychological benefits of undisturbed body image while recovering from major surgery.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-17
Number of pages5
JournalPediatric Neurosurgery
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2001


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