The formation of translation collectivities in Italian queer feminist activist scenarios

Michela Baldo*

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This contribution analyses the role played by translation in the emergence of the Italian transfeminist collective Onna Pas. The collective was born in 2019 after a series of workshops centred on the reading and translation of Wittig’s and Zeig’s work ( 1975 ). This contribution examines the formation of Onna Pas using the concept of affective performativity. Drawing on sociological theories of affect ( Gregg and Seighworth 2010 ; Ahmed 2004 ) applied to translation ( Koskinen 2020 ), according to which affect is a force arising in the “in-betweenness” of encounters ( Gregg and Seigworth 2010 , 2), I understand translation as both an affective practice that brings about “intense” joyful and playful encounters, and as a performative one capable of producing other translations, performances, objects, collectivities and alliances. I particularly explore the unpredictable outcome of translational encounters, contrary to studies of translation and activism ( Baker 2013 ), which tend to stress the notion of conscious positionalities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-70
JournalTranslation in Society
Issue number1
Early online date6 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • transfeminist activist translation
  • affective performativity and translation
  • lesbian feminist translation


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