The European Union, Turkey and the Cyprus problem: the failure of a catalyst

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Notwithstanding the suggested ‘many faces of Europeanization’ (Olsen 2002), the majority of the literature seeks to explain Europeanization as a process via which the EU impacts domestic setting. In a seminal work, Ladrech terms Europeanization as a:

process re-orienting the direction and shape of politics to the degree that European [Union] political and economic dynamics become part of the organisational logic of national politics and policy-making

(Ladrech 1994: 69)

Indeed, this chapter follows the widespread understanding of Europeanization as the process via which the EU impacts domestic politics, policy and polity (Ladrech 1994; Börzel 1999; Wallace 2000; Hix and Goetz 2001; Töller 2010). With an increased focus on change (Featherstone 2003), Börzel and Risse (2002) have attempted a useful categorization of the degree of change produced at the domestic level between absorption (minimal degree of change), accommodation (modest degree of change) and, lastly, transformation (large degree of change). This chapter focuses on policy change and, in particular, the impact of the EU on the Cyprus issue as a major foreign policy matter for the EU candidate Turkey
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTurkey and the European Union
Subtitle of host publicationFacing New Challenges and Opportunities
EditorsFirat Cengiz, Lars Hoffmann
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9780203521762
ISBN (Print)9781138659155, 9780415828024
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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