The Effect of Ti/Ta Ratio and Processing Routes on the Hardness and Elastic Modulus of Porous TiNbZrTa Alloys

Celia González-Guillén, Ghaith Al Hawajreh Kamel, Eduardo Degalez-Duran, Elizaveta Klyatskina, Muhammad Naeem, Liliana Romero-Resendiz*, Gonzalo Gonzalez*, Vicente Amigó Borrás*

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TiNbZrTa alloys are promising for multidisciplinary applications, such as refractory and biomedical purposes, due to their high thermal stability and non-toxicity. Hardness and elastic modulus are among the key features for their adequate industrial applications. The influence of porosity and Ti/Ta ratio were investigated on TiNbZrTa alloys produced by three different processing routes, i.e., (i) blend element and posterior press and sintering (BE + P&S); (ii) mechanical alloying with press and sintering (MA + P&S); and (iii) arc melting and casting. Porosity decreased in the following order: casting < MA + P&S < BE + P&S. The total porosity of alloys increased with increasing Ta contents, i.e., by lowering the Ti/Ta ratio. However, the Ti/Ta ratio did not considerably affect the bonding energy or the elastic modulus. Hardness was increased significantly in dense alloys compared to porous ones. However, porosity and Ti/Ta ratio did not show a clear trend in hardness among the porous alloys.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7362
Number of pages11
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades with grant number “RTI2018-097810-B-I00”; the European Commission via the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); the UNAM-DGAPA-PASPA program (sabbatical year of G.G.); the Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica (PAPIIT)-UNAM under grant number IN102321; the Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y el Posgrado (PAIP) of the Facultad de Química of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México under grant number PAIP-50009223; and the (PAPIIT)-UNAM under grant number IA102724.


  • High-entropy alloy
  • porosity
  • blend element
  • mechanical alloying
  • mechanical properties
  • impulse excitation technique
  • powder metallurgy
  • casting


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