Supporting Anti-Corruption Reform in Partner Countries: Concepts, Tools and Areas for Action

Heather Marquette, Rachel Flanary, Sumedh Rao, Dominic Morris

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This concept paper focuses upon three main sections: Chapter one introduces the main concepts relating to corruption; namely, an overview of the various definitions, forms and typologies of corruption; the causes and consequences of corruption; and the importance of the specific country context. This is intended to provide the EU staff and other interested stakeholders with an introductory tool to assist in the appreciation of current understandings of corruption. Chapter two seeks to situate corruption within a global context. This section examines the global drivers of corruption and anti-corruption, including conventions and other international instruments. It also provides a case study looking at the field of natural resources management to demonstrate how corruption can be fought indirectly as well as directly. Chapter three is more operational in its approach than the first two chapters. It seeks to introduce EU staff to the frameworks and tools available to analyse and assess levels and perceptions of corruption and the challenges posed by this process. It also includes suggested steps for undertaking corruption analysis using cutting edge analysis tools. In keeping with the aims of the Concept Note overall, its main purpose is to provide readers with a deeper understanding of relevant issues related to measuring corruption and assessing anti- corruption in order to help improve the policy-making process.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
ISBN (Print)978-92-79-15295-5
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011

Publication series

NameTools and Methods Series
PublisherEuropean Commission


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