Stereoscopic image generation from light field with disparity scaling and super-resolution

Tao Yan*, Jianbo Jiao, Wenxi Liu, Rynson W.H. Lau

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, we propose a novel method to generate stereoscopic images from light-field images with the intended depth range and simultaneously perform image super-resolution. Subject to the small baseline of neighboring subaperture views and low spatial resolution of light-field images captured using compact commercial light-field cameras, the disparity range of any two subaperture views is usually very small. We propose a method to control the disparity range of the target stereoscopic images with linear or nonlinear disparity scaling and properly resolve the disocclusion problem with the aid of a smooth energy term previously used for texture synthesis. The left and right views of the target stereoscopic image are simultaneously generated by a unified optimization framework, which preserves content coherence between the left and right views by a coherence energy term. The disparity range of the target stereoscopic image can be larger than that of the input light field image. This benefits many light field image-based applications, e.g., displaying light field images on various stereo display devices and generating stereoscopic panoramic images from a light field image montage. An extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8859635
Pages (from-to)1827-1842
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2019

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Manuscript received April 16, 2018; revised January 31, 2019 and July 3, 2019; accepted September 25, 2019. Date of publication October 4, 2019; date of current version November 27, 2019. This work was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grant BK20170197 and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61902151. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Jingyi Yu. (Corresponding author: Tao Yan.) T. Yan is with the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Media Design and Software Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China (e-mail: yantao.ustc@

Publisher Copyright:
© 1992-2012 IEEE.


  • disparity scaling
  • Light field image processing
  • stereoscopic image synthesis
  • super-resolution

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design


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