Sources of variability in the ionospheric spatio/temporal scales measured by Swarm instrument suite

Jaroslav Urbář, Luca Spogli, Antonio Cicone, Lasse Clausen, Yaqi Jin, Alan Wood, Lucilla Alfonsi, Claudio Cesaroni, James Rawlings, Daria Kotova, Per Høeg, Wojciech J. Miloch

Research output: Contribution to conference (unpublished)Abstractpeer-review


The ionosphere is a dynamical system exhibiting nonlinear couplings with the other “spheres” characterizing the geospace environment. Such nonlinearity manifests also through the non-trivial, largely varying range of spatial and temporal scales. We investigate how the different scales of the in situ plasma density as provided by different data products measured by Swarm satellites relate to the field-aligned currents and reflect the various conditions of the geospace.

The present study compares the spatio-temporal variability in the topside ionosphere by leveraging on the Fast Iterative Filtering (FIF) technique. FIF is able to provide a very fine time-frequency representation, as it decomposes any nonstationary, nonlinear signals, like those provided by Langmuir probes onboard Swarm, into oscillating modes, called intrinsic mode components or functions (IMCs or IMFs), characterized by its specific frequency.

The lags of the intensifications in the common scales between the electron density measurements and the field-aligned current measurements from Swarm FAC dataset are evaluated by comparing the leading and trailing satellite (Swarm A-C pair) in the high latitude regions.
The instantaneous time-frequency representation is provided through the so-called “IMFogram” which illustrates the time development of the multi-scale processes. These IMFograms have the potential to show the greater details of the scale sizes which intensify during the various phases of geomagnetic storms.
This work is performed in the framework of the Swarm Variability of Ionospheric Plasma (Swarm-VIP) project, funded by ESA in the “Swarm+4D-Ionosphere” framework (ESA Contract No. 4000130562/20/I-DT).

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022
Event44th COSPAR Assembly - Athens, Greece
Duration: 16 Jul 202224 Jul 2022


Conference44th COSPAR Assembly
Abbreviated titleCOSPAR 2022
Internet address


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