Security sector reform and statebuilding: lessons learned

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Research shows that the number of wars and their lethality have been declining since 1992, and over the same time the worst conflicts declined by over 80 per cent. However, research also shows that the improvements result from more wars ending: the onset of new wars, regrettably, remains
constant. ‘Failed’, ‘weak’ or ‘fragile’ states, home to the poorest billion of people living in fewer than 60 countries, 70 per cent of which are located in Africa, are still most at risk of falling into conflict.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBack to the Roots
Subtitle of host publicationSecurity Sector Reform and Development
EditorsAlbrecht Schnabel, Vanessa Farr
PublisherLIT Verlag
Number of pages270
ISBN (Print)978-3-643-80117-3
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

Published for the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)


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