Search for K+ decays into the π+e+ee+e final state

NA62 Collaboration, Thomas Bache, Maria Brigida Brunetti, Viacheslav Duk, Valeria Fascianelli, John Fry, Francesco Gonnella, Jack Henshaw, Lorenza Iacobuzio, Chandler Kenworthy, Nicolas Lurkin, Francis Newson, Chris Parkinson, Angela Romano, Jack Sanders, Antonino Sergi, Andy Sturgess, Joel Swallow, Adam Tomczak

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The first search for ultra-rare K+ decays into the π+e+ee+e final state is reported, using a dataset collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2017–2018. An upper limit of 1.4×10−8 at 90% CL is obtained for the branching ratio of the K+→π+e+ee+e decay, predicted in the Standard Model to be (7.2±0.7)×10−11. Upper limits at 90% CL are obtained at the level of 10−9 for the branching ratios of two prompt decay chains involving pair-production of hidden-sector mediators: K+→π+aa, a→e+e and K+→π+S, S→A′A′, A′→e+e.
Original languageEnglish
Article number138193
JournalPhysics Letters B
Early online date22 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2023


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