Role of Digital Leadership Capability in Shaping IT Innovation: A Digital Agility Perspective

Jayesh Pandey, Shubh Majumdarr, Yusuf Hassan, Vic Benuyenah*

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The digital era has reshaped business, where IT innovation is pivotal for success. Digital leadership is a key driver, leading to digital agility. However, the research on digital agility is still at a nascent stage. The authors used the dynamic-capabilities to examine the impact of digital leadership on IT innovation in business organizations. A survey of 250 US based IT professionals was analyzed using process macro. The findings of this study enrich the digital-leadership literature, emphasizing the crucial role of digital leadership and inter-team coordination in promoting IT innovation in organizations. Practical implications of the study stress the need for organizations to develop digital leadership while fostering knowledge integration and inter-team coordination.
Original languageEnglish
Article number333168
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Global Information Management
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2023


  • Digital Agility
  • Digital-Leadership Capability
  • Innovation
  • Inter-Team Coordination
  • Knowledge-Integration Capability
  • Moderated-Mediation Model
  • Talent Management


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