Robust Decoding of Rich Dynamical Visual Scenes With Retinal Spikes

Zhaofei Yu, Tong Bu*, Yijun Zhang, Shanshan Jia, Tiejun Huang, Jian K Liu

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Sensory information transmitted to the brain activates neurons to create a series of coping behaviors. Understanding the mechanisms of neural computation and reverse engineering the brain to build intelligent machines requires establishing a robust relationship between stimuli and neural responses. Neural decoding aims to reconstruct the original stimuli that trigger neural responses. With the recent upsurge of artificial intelligence, neural decoding provides an insightful perspective for designing novel algorithms of brain-machine interface. For humans, vision is the dominant contributor to the interaction between the external environment and the brain. In this study, utilizing the retinal neural spike data collected over multi trials with visual stimuli of two movies with different levels of scene complexity, we used a neural network decoder to quantify the decoded visual stimuli with six different metrics for image quality assessment establishing comprehensive inspection of decoding. With the detailed and systematical study of the effect and single and multiple trials of data, different noise in spikes, and blurred images, our results provide an in-depth investigation of decoding dynamical visual scenes using retinal spikes. These results provide insights into the neural coding of visual scenes and services as a guideline for designing next-generation decoding algorithms of neuroprosthesis and other devices of brain-machine interface.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Early online date24 Jan 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62176003 and Grant 62088102 and in part by the Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship of U.K. under Grant NAF-R1-191082.


  • Deep learning
  • image reconstruction
  • neural decoding
  • neural spikes
  • video
  • visual scenes


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