Robust capacity planning for sterilisation department of a hospital

Elvan Gokalp Ozpolat*, Ece Sanci

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Sterile services departments are special units designed to perform sterilisation operations in an efficient way within a hospital. The delays in sterilisation services cause significant disruptions on surgery schedules and bed management. To prevent the delays, an upper time limit can be imposed on the time spent in the sterilisation services. In this paper, we propose a mathematical modelling approach for the optimum capacity planning of a sterilisation service unit considering the uncertainties in the sterilisation process. The model aims to find the optimum capacity on four tandem steps of the sterilisation whilst at the same time minimising the total cost and keeping the maximum time in the system below a limit. Assuming general distributions for service and interarrival times, an approximation structure based on robust optimisation is used to formulate the maximum time spent in the system. We analysed the structural property of the resulting model and found that the relaxed version of the model is convex. The real data from a large sterilisation services unit is used for computational experiments. The results indicated that the approximation fits well against the simulated maximum time in the system. Other experiments revealed that an upper limit of 7 hours for the sterilisation services balances the cost vs. robustness trade-off.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)726-740
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Production Research
Issue number3
Early online date24 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2023


  • Stochastic programming
  • robust optimisation
  • sterilisation services
  • queuing theory
  • hospital operations


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