Relationships Among Values, Achievement Orientations, and Attitudes in Youth Sport

MJ Lee, J Whitehead, Nikolaos Ntoumanis, A Hatzigeorgiadis

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This research examines the value-expressive function of attitudes and achievement goal theory in predicting moral attitudes. In Study 1, the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire (YSVQ; Lee, Whitehead, & Balchin, 2000) was modified to measure moral,competence, and status values. In Study 2, structural equation modeling on data from 549 competitors (317 males, 232 females) aged 12–15 years showed that moral and competence values predicted prosocial attitudes, whereas moral (negatively) and status values (positively)predicted antisocial attitudes. Competence and status values predicted task and ego orientation, respectively, and task and ego orientation partially mediated the effect of competence values on prosocial attitudes and of status values on antisocial attitudes, respectively. The role of sport values is discussed, and new research directions are proposed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)588-610
Number of pages23
JournalJournal of sport & exercise psychology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2008


  • achievement goal theory
  • motivation
  • morality
  • sportspersonship
  • fair play


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