Reflections on conceptions of research methodology among management academics

M.N.K. Saunders, F. Bezzina

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    Taking as its premise that the role of academics as instructors is crucial in forming students’ conceptions of research methodology, we consider differences in conceptions are held by academics involved in its teaching and reflect on associated implications. Drawing on a web based questionnaire data collected from purposive sample of 190 predominantly European Management academics with an expressed interest in research methodology, we reveal differing conceptions about the nature of research and research methodology that are likely to be practically significant; differences between those with qualitative and quantitative expertise being the most salient. Finding fault with one methodology on the basis of the epistemological and ontological beliefs of the other does little to promote understanding or appreciation of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodologies. Rather, we argue, academics involved in management research methods and methodology teaching need to adopt a pluralist stance in which the legitimacy of different methodologies is both recognised and actively acknowledged.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)297
    Number of pages304
    JournalEuropean Management Journal
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015

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    cited By 0; Article in Press


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