Range of motion of the metacarpophalangeal joint in rheumatoid patients, with and without a flexible joint replacement prosthesis, compared with normal subjects.

LE Lester, JW Bevins, C Hughes, A Rai, H Whalley, M Arafa, Duncan Shepherd, David Hukins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

5 Citations (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: The metacarpophalangeal is commonly affected by rheumatoid arthritis. This may lead to joint replacement with a flexible prosthesis. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on joint motion and to determine whether joint replacement needs to restore the full range of motion. METHODS: Three-dimensional motion analysis was used to measure the range of motion of the metacarpophalangeal joint in rheumatoid patients with and without a flexible silicone arthroplasty, when performing pinch and key grips, when making a fist and when spreading the fingers. The results were compared with those from younger and older normal subjects. FINDINGS: There appeared to be a trend for a decrease in range of motion from younger normal to older normal to rheumatoid (no prosthesis) to rheumatoid (with prosthesis) subject groups. However, statistically different (p
Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Biomechanics
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jan 2012


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