Quasi-integrability and nonlinear resonances in cold atoms under modulation

Rahul Gupta, Manan Jain*, Sudhir R. Jain

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Quantum dynamics of a collection of atoms subjected to phase modulation has been carefully revisited. We present an exact analysis of the evolution of a two-level system (represented by a spinor) under the action of a time-dependent matrix Hamiltonian. The dynamics is shown to evolve on two coupled potential energy surfaces (PESs): one of them is binding, while the other one is scattering type. The dynamics is shown to be quasi-integrable with nonlinear resonances. The bounded dynamics with intermittent scattering at random moments presents a scenario reminiscent of Anderson and dynamical localization. We believe that a careful analytical investigation of a multi-component system that is classically non-integrable is relevant to many other fields, including quantum computation with multi-qubit systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number231503
Number of pages13
JournalRoyal Society Open Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 10 Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

We thank Sandeep Joshi for several helpful discussions. R.G. acknowledges the fellowship support received from CSIR-HRDG.


  • ultracold atoms
  • dynamical localization
  • quantum chaos
  • semiclassical methods
  • quasi-integrability


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