Pulsating instability of detonations with a two-step chain-branching reactionmadel: theory and numerics

M Short, Gary Sharpe

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64 Citations (Scopus)


The nonlinear dynamics of Chapman-Jouguet pulsating detonations are studied both numerically and asymptotically for a two-step reaction model having separate induction and main heat release layers. For a sufficiently long main heat release layer, relative to the length of the induction zone, stable one-dimensional detonations are shown to be possible. As. the extent of the main reaction layer is decreased, the detonation becomes unstable, illustrating a range of dynamical states including limit-cycle oscillations, period-doubled and four-period solutions. Keeping. all other parameters fixed, it is also shown that detonations may be stabilized by increasing the reaction order in the main heat release layer. A comparison of these numerical results with a recently derived nonlinear evolution equation, obtained in the asymptotic limit of a long main reaction zone, is also conducted. In particular, the numerical solutions support the finding from the analytical analysis that a bifurcation boundary between stable and unstable detonations may be found when the ratio of the length of the main heat release layer to that of the induction zone layer is O(1/is an element of), where is an element of (much less than 1) is the inverse activation energy in the induction zone.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-416
Number of pages16
JournalCombustion Theory and Modelling
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2003


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