Psychological intervention for partners post-stroke: A case report

Natasha Yasmin, Gerard Anthony Riley

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BACKGROUND: Following a brain injury, caregiving spouses/partners differ in their perceptions of relationship continuity/discontinuity (i.e. whether the relationship is experienced as similar or different to the pre-injury relationship). Perceptions of continuity are associated with better psychological wellbeing and a better relationship.

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a pilot test of an intervention aimed at exploring the possibility of supporting caregiving partners to experience greater continuity within their relationship post-stroke.

METHODS: A post-stroke couple was provided with Integrated Behavioural Couples Therapy for three months, which aimed to increase relationship continuity alongside addressing individual goals identified by the couple. Before and after measures were taken using a battery of six questionnaires evaluating changes in perceptions of continuity, relationship quality, and stress.

RESULTS: Quantitative and qualitative data showed post-therapy improvement in all the measures.

CONCLUSIONS: The study suggested that perceptions of relationship continuity can be improved by therapy, and that such an improvement might have a beneficial impact in terms of relationship quality and psychological wellbeing. The intervention is currently being further developed and evaluated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-245
Issue number2
Early online date21 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2020


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