Preventing radicalisation: a systematic review of literature considering the lived experiences of the UK's Prevent strategy in educational settings

Laura Taylor, Anita Soni

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This article surveys relevant literature on experiences of the Prevent Strategy in the UK in order to explore the role of schools in preventing radicalisation. The first section explores the concept of radicalisation and how this is positioned within UK policy and legislation followed by a review and critical appraisal of seven relevant articles. The following section synthesises themes from this literature in relation to pedagogical inefficacies in relation to academic freedom and flawed fundamental British values (FBV), and the problematic focus of the Prevent strategy in terms of surveillance and securitisation, and having a focus on individual vulnerability and ends with a positive example of Prevent funding. The article closes with implications for school staff.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)241-252
JournalPastoral Care in Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jul 2017


  • radicalisation
  • Prevent
  • fundamental British values (FBV)


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