Porosity phenomena of non-expansive, Banach space mappings

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For any non-trivial convex and bounded subset $C$ of a Banach space, we show that outside of a $\sigma$-porous subset of the space of non-expansive mappings $C\to C$, all mappings have the maximal Lipschitz constant one witnessed locally at typical points of $C$. This extends a result of Bargetz and the author from separable Banach spaces to all Banach spaces and the proof given is completely independent. We further establish a fine relationship between the classes of exceptional sets involved in this statement, captured by the hierarchy of notions of $\phi$-porosity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Oct 2021

Bibliographical note

A few corrections and improvements made. To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics


  • math.FA
  • 47H09


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