Playing with fire: an assessment of the EU's approach of constructive ambiguity on Kosovo's blended conflict

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This article introduces ‘blended conflict’ as a novel approach for the understanding of the multi-levelled interconnectedness of factors that lead to and sustain complex conflicts. It assesses the impact of the European Union’s efforts to manage Kosovo’s blended conflict, focusing on the EU-facilitated dialogue and the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. It shows that the EU’s tactic of constructive ambiguity has produced short-term results at state level, but it endangers stability in the long-term by exacerbating the situation on the ground. Empirically the study draws on data from repeated fieldtrips and semi-structured interviews with EU personnel, governmental, non-governmental and international actors in Kosovo and Serbia. This article contributes theoretically and empirically to the wider conflict management literature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-120
JournalJournal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Feb 2019


  • Kosovo
  • Conflict management
  • ethnic conflict
  • European Union


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