Pilot-scale ultrasound-assisted extraction of protein from soybean processing materials is not recommended for industrial usage

K.E. Preece, Nasim Hooshyar, A. J. Krijgsman, Peter Fryer, Nicolaas J. Zuidam

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Unit operations to enhance protein extraction within the food industry are vital to improve current processes, especially for cost reductions and sustainability. Here a study of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) from soy slurry and okara produced at pilot-scale and further processed using a lab or pilot-scale probe system is presented. Confocal imaging and particle size measurements were used to study the physical effects of UAE on these soy processing materials. Ultrasound at pilot-scale was infeasible for soy slurry, in contrast to lab-scale. UAE from okara solution significantly increased protein yield by 4.2% at pilot-scale (p < 0.05). Okara solution flow rate and okara concentration also significantly improved the protein extraction yield. During lab-scale sonication of okara solution, a greater energy intensity resulted in a higher yield of up to 40% after 15 min treatment. Considering total extraction yields at pilot-scale during soybase production, ultrasound is not considered viable for industrial processing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-12
JournalJournal of Food Engineering
Early online date7 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


  • Ultrasound-assisted extraction
  • Aqueous extraction
  • Pilot-scale
  • Soy protein


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