Number of superclasses of four-qubit entangled states under the inductive entanglement classification

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L. Lamata et al. use an inductive approach to classify the entangled pure states of four qubits under stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC) [Phys. Rev. A 75, 022318 (2007)]. The inductive method yields a priori ten entanglement superclasses, of which they discard three as empty. One of the remaining superclasses is split into two, resulting in eight superclasses of genuine four-qubit entanglement. Here, we show that two of the three discarded superclasses are in fact nonempty and should have been retained. We give explicit expressions for the canonical states of those superclasses, up to SLOCC and qubit permutations. Furthermore, we confirm that the third discarded superclass is indeed empty, yielding a total of ten superclasses of genuine four-qubit entanglement under the inductive classification scheme.
Original languageEnglish
Article number022329
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2017


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