New organogelators based on cyclotriveratrylene platforms bearing 2-dimethylacetal-5-carbonylpyridine fragments

D Bardelang, F Camerel, R Ziessel, M Schmutz, Michael Hannon

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33 Citations (Scopus)


Gelators, compounds able to solidify solvents, and in particular hydrogelators are interesting soft materials. In this paper we have synthesized cyclotriveratrylene ( CTV) platforms symmetrically end-substituted with pendent primary amines or nicotamic substituents. These non-amphiphilic structures induce self-assembly in a large variety of solvents forming robust and opaque gels. Cyclotriveratrylene gels have for the first time been formed and characterized using FT-IR and freeze fracture electron microscopy. Two hierarchical events are responsible for the gel structure. Individual fibres of 4-5 nm diameter are formed by aggregation of the functionalised CTV molecules. These fibres then further self-assemble into large ribbons several mu m long and 20 to 40 nm wide. Within the ribbons the fine striations observed by FFEM are due to individual straight chains organized in a highly compacted state. Within the fibres the individual CTV molecules are held together by hydrogen bonding of the amide function as probed by infra-red spectroscopy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)489
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Materials Chemistry
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008


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