Neuro-ophthalmology in the United Kingdom: providing a sustainable, safe and high-quality service for the future

Susan p. Mollan, Vaishnavi Menon, Alan Cunningham, Gordon t. Plant, Luke Bennetto, Sui h. Wong, Margaret Dayan

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Neuro-ophthalmologists play a major role in protecting vision and
life [1–4]. Misdiagnosis prior to neuro-ophthalmology review may
occur in up to 69% of cases [1] with a quarter coming to harm [2]
due to inadequate history, examination, differential diagnosis,
incorrect targeting and interpretation of investigations [2].
Studies also found that Neuro-ophthalmology review impacted
on care in 99% and saved life or vision in 2% [2] however over one
third of patients had a delay in their care [3]. These results suggest
inadequacy of both access to neuro-ophthalmology services [5],
and exposure to neuro-ophthalmology during general training.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2024

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