Microstructure, Hardening, and Mechanical Properties of Hypoeutectic Al–Ce–Ni Alloys with Zr and Zr + Sc Additions and the Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Processing

Suwaree Chankitmunkong, Feng Wang, Chaowalit Limmaneevichitr, Dmitry G. Eskin*

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Ternary Al–Ce–Ni alloys have a potential in the manufacture of automotive and airspace components, as well as in replacing traditional aluminum alloys in high‐temperature applications, which is determined by the formation of fine and thermally stable Al11Ce3 and Al3Ni eutectic. Herein, the microstructure and mechanical properties of a hypoeutectic Al4Ce2Ni alloy using Zr and Zr + Sc additions combined with ultrasonic melt processing and dispersion hardening are improved. As a result, the grain structure of the as‐cast alloys is significantly refined and the annealing at 350 °C leads to a considerable hardening effect, especially in the alloys with Zr + Sc additions (doubling the hardness). Al3Zr and Al3(Zr,Sc) coherent particles are identified as hardening nanoprecipitates. The compressive mechanical testing at room and elevated temperatures shows that the additions of Zr and Zr + Sc improve the strength with the additional increase caused by ultrasonic melt processing.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2301045
JournalAdvanced Engineering Materials
Early online date18 Aug 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Aug 2023


  • electrical conductivity
  • Al–Ce–Ni–Sc–Zr, aluminum alloys
  • nanocomposites
  • ultrasonic melt processing


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