Measuring the Effectiveness of an Open Ended Team-Based Induction Task

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An evaluation of a new problem-based, open-ended induction activity for chemistry undergraduates at the University of Leicester was undertaken. Responses to the evaluation questionnaire (N=168) revealed that students appreciated the opportunity to make friends with their course mates (88.1% agreement), to discuss science with other students (76.8% agreement) and to learn how to develop a project plan (77.4% agreement). A considerably smaller number of students agreed that the activity helped them develop their time management (59.5%) or develop their problem solving (45.8%) skills. This suggests that the social benefits (e.g. learning community building) of this activity may outweigh the development of other skills and abilities.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNew Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2018


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