Measurement of CP violation in B0 → D+D and B0s → D+s Ds decays

LHCb Collaboration

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A time-dependent, flavour-tagged measurement of CP violation is performed with B0→D+D and B0s→D+sDs decays, using data collected by the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6 fb−1. In B0→D+D decays the CP-violation parameters are measured to be

SD+D− = −0.552 ± 0.100(stat) ± 0.010(syst),
CD+D− = 0.128 ± 0.103(stat) ± 0.010(syst).

In B0s→D+sDs decays the CP-violating parameter formulation in terms of ϕs and |λ| results in

ϕs = −0.086 ± 0.106(stat) ± 0.028(syst) rad,
D+sD−s| = 1.145 ± 0.126(stat) ± 0.031(syst).

These results represent the most precise single measurement of the CP-violation parameters in their respective channels. For the first time in a single measurement, CP symmetry is observed to be violated in B0→D+D decays with a significance exceeding six standard deviations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number61
Number of pages26
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2025


  • CP Violation
  • Hadron-Hadron Scattering


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