Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of gastrointestinal liquid volumes and distribution in the gastrointestinal tract of children

Eleni Papadatou-Soulou, Julie Mason, Caron Parsons, Adam Oates, Manigandan Thyagarajan, Hannah Katharine Batchelor

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The volume and localization of fluid in the paediatric gastrointestinal tract is crucial to the design of in vitro and in silico models that predict the absorption of oral drugs administered to children. Previous studies have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantify fluid volumes and localization in the intestines of adults; this study is the first to undertake similar analysis of pediatric participants. This study quantified the amount and distribution of fluid in fasted and fluid-fed children using MRI data captured during the routine clinical assessment. Data from 32 fasted children (aged 0-16 years) and 23 fluid-fed children (aged 8-16 years) were evaluated. The gastric volume ranged from 0 to 9 mL in the fasted and 19-423 mL in the fluid-fed state. The small intestinal volume was recorded to be 0-51 mL in the fasted and 6-91 mL in the fluid-fed state with an average number of 7.7 and 22.4 fluid pockets, respectively. The data showed significant differences in gastric volumes and the number of fluid pockets in the small intestine for age-matched fasted and fluid-fed children (p < 0.05). Both the number and the volume of pockets reported in children are much lower than those previously reported in adults. This study is the first to report intestinal volumes and localization in children and provides new information to achieve the design of biorelevant in vitro models and real values to update in silico models. The data available from both fluid-fed and fasted children show the extremes of fluid volumes that are present in the gastro-intestinal tract which is useful to understand the variability associated with drug absorption in children.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3896-3903
Number of pages8
JournalMolecular Pharmaceutics
Issue number9
Early online date2 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2019


  • gastric fluid
  • intestinal fluid
  • MRI
  • children
  • biorelevant dissolution


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