“It feels like living in a limbo”: exploring the limits of inclusion for children living at the global affective intersections of dis/ability, language, and migration in Italy and the United States

Valentina Migliarini, Chelsea Stinson , David Isaac Hernandez- Saca

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDisCrit Expanded
    Subtitle of host publicationReverberations, Ruptures, and Inquiries
    EditorsSubini Ancy Annamma, Beth Ferri , David Connor
    PublisherTeachers College Press
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Electronic)9780807780725
    ISBN (Print)9780807766347, 9780807766354
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2022

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