Investigating the sustainability of careers in academic primary care in the United Kingdom

Ann Adams, Helen Lester, Joanne Reeve, Jane Roberts, Andrew Wilson

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Background The UK Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) is re-examining the sustainability of careers in academic primary care (APC). The motivation for this is a number of significant changes within the context of APC since the last such investigation (SAPC, 2003). It is now timely to review the current situation.
Methods As a first phase, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 15 SAPC members from different disciplines and career stages.
Results Findings show that lack of clarity about APC career pathways persist, but important factors linked with sustainability were identified at individual and organisational levels. These include being proactive, developing resilience, mentorship and a positive organisational culture with a strong shared vision about why APC is important.
Further Research Sustainability is undermined by funding difficulties, lack of integration of members of different APC disciplines, leading to disparities in career progression and lack of clarity about what APC is. Phase 2 will comprise a UK-wide survey.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-335
JournalPrimary Health Care Research & Development
Issue number03
Early online date8 Nov 2013
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2014


  • career pathways in academic primary care
  • factors influencing career sustainability
  • sustainability of careers


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