Introduction: Histories for the present

Matt Houlbrook, Katie Jones, Ben Mechen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter provides an engaging, accessible, and provocative introduction to histories of masculinity for all readers interested in contemporary gender politics. It offers a critical overview of ongoing historiographical debates and the historical making of men’s lives and identities and ideas of masculinity between the 1890s and the present day. In setting out a new agenda for the field, it makes an ambitious argument for the importance of writing histories which are present-centred and politically engaged. This means that the introduction engages directly with ferocious debates about men’s social position and the status of masculinity in contemporary public life. In establishing a critical genealogy for the proliferation of this crisis talk, it sets out new ways of understanding how men’s lives and ideas of masculinity have changed over time while patriarchy and male power have persisted.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMen and masculinities in modern Britain
Subtitle of host publicationA history for the present
EditorsMatt Houlbrook, Katie Jones, Ben Mechen
PublisherManchester University Press
Number of pages46
ISBN (Electronic)9781526174703
ISBN (Print)9781526174697
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jan 2024


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