Innovations in earthquake risk reduction for resilience: Recent advances and challenges

Fabio Freddi*, Carmine Galasso, Gemma Cremen, Andrea Dall’asta, Luigi Di sarno, Agathoklis Giaralis, Fernando Gutiérrez-Urzúa, Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype, Stergios A. Mitoulis, Crescenzo Petrone, Anastasios Sextos, Luis Sousa, Karim Tarbali, Enrico Tubaldi, John Wardman, Gordon Woo

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The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) highlights the importance of scientific research, supporting the ‘availability and application of science and technology to decision making’ in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Science and technology can play a crucial role in the world's ability to reduce casualties, physical damage, and interruption to critical infrastructure due to natural hazards and their complex interactions. The SFDRR encourages better access to technological innovations combined with increased DRR investments in developing cost-effective approaches and tackling global challenges. To this aim, it is essential to link multi- and interdisciplinary research and technological innovations with policy and engineering/DRR practice. To share knowledge and promote discussion on recent advances, challenges, and future directions on ‘Innovations in Earthquake Risk Reduction for Resilience’, a group of experts from academia and industry met in London, UK, in July 2019. The workshop focused on both cutting-edge ‘soft’ (e.g., novel modelling methods/frameworks, early warning systems, disaster financing and parametric insurance) and ‘hard’ (e.g., novel structural systems/devices for new structures and retrofitting of existing structures, sensors) risk-reduction strategies for the enhancement of structural and infrastructural earthquake safety and resilience. The workshop highlighted emerging trends and lessons from recent earthquake events and pinpointed critical issues for future research and policy interventions. This paper summarises some of the key aspects identified and discussed during the workshop to inform other researchers worldwide and extend the conversation to a broader audience, with the ultimate aim of driving change in how seismic risk is quantified and mitigated.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102267
Number of pages31
JournalInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Early online date21 Apr 2021
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2021

Bibliographical note

The workshop on ‘Innovations in Earthquake Risk Reduction and Resilience’ was part of a large event entitled ‘EPICentre Encounters: Recent advances and perspectives in multi-hazard risk and resilience’. The event was partly funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) quality-related (QR) funding to University College London (UCL) for EPICentre (Networking, training, impact acceleration in Resilience Engineering). Fabio Freddi acknowledges funding from SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) and UKIERI-SPARC under grant SPARC/2018–2019/P171/SL. Carmine Galasso, Gemma Cremen, and Karim Tarbali acknowledge funding from UKRI GCRF under grant NE/S009000/1, Tomorrow's Cities Hub.


  • Earthquake risk reduction
  • Earthquake risk modelling
  • Physics-based ground-motion modelling
  • Earthquake early warning
  • Parametric insurance
  • Seismic isolation
  • Supplemental damping
  • Non-structural components
  • Structural health monitoring


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