Image-Based Rendering and the Sampling of the Plenoptic Function

Christopher Gilliam*, Mike Brookes, Pier Luigi Dragotti

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

1 Citation (Scopus)


Image-based rendering (IBR) is a technique for producing arbitrary views of a scene using multiple images instead of exact object models. The central concept is that each image comprises a collection of light rays and a new view is interpolated from these light rays. If we modelled the light rays using a seven-dimensional function, known as the plenoptic function, then IBR can be viewed in terms of sampling and reconstruction. Therefore the important goal of minimizing the number of images required in IBR, whilst maintaining rendering quality, can be examined through sampling analysis of the plenoptic function. In this context, the chapter examines the state of the art in plenoptic sampling theory. It focuses on both uniform and adaptive sampling of the plenoptic function. In particular, it presents theoretical results for uniform sampling based on spectral analysis of the plenoptic function and algorithms for adaptive plenoptic sampling.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmerging Technologies for 3D Video
Subtitle of host publicationCreation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering
PublisherWiley Interscience/John Wiley and Sons
Number of pages18
ISBN (Print)9781118355114
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2013


  • Image-based rendering
  • Plenoptic function
  • Sampling theory
  • Spectral analysis

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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