Identical particle correlations in STAR

Z Chajecki, John Adams, Lee Barnby, Leon Gaillard, Peter Jones, John Nelson, Anthony Timmins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


Preliminary results of identical-particle correlations probing the geometric substructure of the particle-emitting source at RHIC are presented. An mT-independent scaling of pion HBT radii from large (central Au+Au) to small (p+p) collision systems naively suggests comparable flow strength in all of them. Multidimensional correlation functions are studied in detail using a spherical decomposition method. In the light systems, the presence of significant long-range non-femtoscopic correlations complicates the extraction of HBT radii.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)599-602
Number of pages4
JournalNuclear Physics A
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2006
EventQuark Matter 2005: International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, 18th - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 4 Aug 20059 Aug 2005


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