How transparent are charitable foundations? A large-scale comparison of transparency levels in grant-making trusts and foundations in England and Wales

Helen Abnett, Robert de Vries

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Debate on the role of charitable grant-making foundations often references concerns about their lack of transparency. There has, however, been limited empirical investigation of foundation transparency levels. In this study, we report the largest-ever investigation of transparency among grant-making foundations in England and Wales. Based on a novel dataset, which captures the level of grant-specific data published by more than 2,200 foundations over five years from 2014 to 2018 (inclusive), we find that: (a) overall, these foundations are transparent in their disclosure of grant-specific data; (b) the results also paint a picture of stability – of those foundations with published trustees’ annual reports and accounts in all five years of this study, 78 per cent had the same disclosure practice throughout; and (c) a specific regulatory change mandating grant-specific disclosure has not substantially increased levels of disclosure. This study therefore provides detailed evidence that contributes to and expands the conversation on English and Welsh foundation transparency.
Original languageEnglish
JournalVoluntary Sector Review
Early online date20 Dec 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Dec 2022


  • foundations
  • transparency
  • accountability
  • regulation


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