Guidelines for the Selection of a Method of fading Cues

Gerard Riley, S. Heaton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


There are various ways in which cues can be faded. The method of vanishing cues is just one option. It is argued that, when selecting a method, we should choose one that will encourage effortful recall on the training trials, but at the same time avoid too many errors and omissions. To achieve this end, we must take into account the circumstances of application, including the difficulty of the item to be learnt and the memory abilities of the learner. More difficult items and poorer memories may require more gradual fading to avoid an excess of errors and omissions; easier items and better memories may require more rapid fading to encourage effortful recall. To test this prediction, two methods of fading were compared in teaching general knowledge items to 12 individuals with a history of head injury. Consistent with the prediction, Increasing Assistance (that permits more rapid fading) was more effective for those with better memories and for easier items, and Decreasing Assistance tin which fading is more gradual) was more effective for those with poorer memories and more difficult items.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNeuropsychological Rehabilitation
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2000


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