Generous or harsh postwar economies, epistemologies of education systems and creating identities for war or peace

Alison Taysum

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In the past 3400 years there have only been 268 years of peace Hedges (2003) cited by Langham (2019). This paper begins to address this professional challenge by exploring how generous and harsh post-war strategies are located on a continuum. The location on the continuum creates conditions for cycles of war and peace. These cycles in turn are driven through by generous and/or harsh economies’ regulations located on a continuum. The location on the continuum creates cycles for economies’ ‘boom and bust’ or sustainable stability that eradicates poverty. These cycles are in turn driven through by generous or harsh epistemologies of education systems located on a continuum. On one end education Intended Learning Outcomes, pedagogies and Assessment for Learning generously empower members of society in open systems to know how to advocate and negotiate for sustainable peace for human development. On the other end, Intended Learning Outcomes, pedagogies and Assessment for Learning harshly disempower members of society by withholding knowledge from them in closed systems. These closed systems create passive identities, easily exploited and radicalised through psychologies of mistrust leading to misdirected projections of anger and violence towards ‘others’ of the same state who remain divided within sub-groups of society. Generous education systems create identities that empower citizens with the thinking tools needed to develop ‘character’ to challenge the rationale of those who create harsh curriculum Intended Learning Outcomes, pedagogies and Assessment for Learning. Generous Education Systems can mobilise new collaborative and respectful partnerships in an inclusionary, yet diverse quadruple helix to propel entrepreneurial economies, create wealth sustainably and engender peace and prosperity to Empower Young Societal Innovators for Equity and Renewal (EYSIER).
Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)7-25
Number of pages19
JournalJournal Groundwork Cases and Faculty of Judgement
Issue number1
Early online date24 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2021


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