Da Dante a Dante Gabriel Rossetti: un esercizio di lettura prosodica

Translated title of the contribution: From Dante to Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Exercise in prosodic reading

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The first readers of both the Dantean translations and the original compositions by Rossetti, were amazed by his «strange accent» and his « mongrel English ». This essay proposes a prosodic analysis of a sonnet from The New Life in order to demonstrate how the iambic pentameter would receive, in Dante Gabriel’s performance, the modulations of a truly Dantesque endecasyllable.
Translated title of the contributionFrom Dante to Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Exercise in prosodic reading
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)167-180
Number of pages14
JournalStudie e problemi di critica testuale
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2021


  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  • prosody
  • translation
  • A Gentle thought


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