Film and the stigmatisation of ageing female sexuality: consumer commentary of Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

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This paper presents an analysis of macro-level discourses of age, gender and sexuality in a meso-level consumer discussion from social media revealing how gender ideology and power materialise in the consumption of the 2022 film Good Luck to You, Leo Grande. We respond to the call to establish ‘how fictional representations in films…can be used discursively to understand market structure and consumption experiences’. We demonstrate the enduring value of popular culture as a window into understanding consumers. By establishing that postfeminist and successful ageing discourses are appropriated to inform consumption, we contribute to the theorisation of affective marketplace exclusion by arguing that these powerful ideologies weaponise stigma to marginalise and exclude, in other words, that the symbolic consumption of popular culture informs marketplace gendered and sexual politics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2383237
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Marketing Management
Early online date6 Aug 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Aug 2024


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