Extraordinary THz Transmission with a Small Beam Spot: the Leaky Wave Mechanism

Miguel Navarro-Cia, Víctor Pacheco-Peña, Sergei A. Kuznetsov, Miguel Beruete

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The discovery of Extraordinary Optical Transmission (EOT) through patterned metallic foils in the late 1990s was decisive for the development of plasmonics and cleared the path to employ small apertures for a variety of interesting applications all along the electromagnetic spectrum. However, a typical drawback often found in practical EOT structures is their large size needed to obtain high transmittance peaks. Consequently, practical EOT arrays are usually illuminated using an expanded (mimicking a plane wave) beam. Here, we show with numerical and experimental results in the THz range that high transmittance peaks can be obtained even with a reduced illumination spot exciting a small number of holes, provided that the structure has a sufficient number of lateral holes out of the illumination spot. These results shed more light on the prominent role of leaky waves in the underlying physics of EOT and have a direct impact on potential applications.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1701312
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalAdvanced Optical Materials
Issue number8
Early online date23 Feb 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23 Feb 2018


  • extraordinary transmission
  • leaky wave mode
  • terahertz
  • time-domain spectroscopy
  • continuous-wave spectroscopy


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