Exploring the roles of players in strategic purchasing for healthcare in Africa – A scoping review

Mwayi Kachapila*, Jesse Kigozi, Raymond Oppong

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Following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on strategic purchasing in 2000, low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) are trying to shift from passive purchasing (using fixed budgets) to strategic purchasing of healthcare which ties reimbursement to outcomes. However, there is limited evidence on strategic purchasing in Africa. We conducted a scoping literature review aimed at summarizing the roles played by governments, purchasers, and providers in relation to citizens/population in strategic purchasing in Africa. We conducted a scoping review which searched for scientific journal articles that contained data on strategic purchasing collected from Africa. The literature search identified 957 articles of which 80 matched the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The study revealed that in some countries strategic purchasing has been used as a tool for healthcare reforms or for strengthening systems which were not functional under fixed budgets. However, there was some evidence of lack of government’s commitment in taking leading roles and funding strategic purchasing. Further, in some countries the laws need to be revised to accommodate new arrangements which were not part of fixed budgets. The review also established that there were some obstacles within the public health systems that deterred purchasers to promote efficiency among providers and for providers to have full autonomy in decision making. As African countries strive to shift from passive to strategic purchasing of healthcare, there is need for full government commitment on strategic purchasing. There is need to further revise appropriate legal frameworks to support strategic purchasing, conduct assessments of the healthcare systems before designing strategic purchasing schemes and to sensitize the providers and citizens on their roles and entitlements respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-108
Number of pages12
JournalHealth Policy and Planning
Issue number1
Early online date1 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • Strategic purchasing
  • scoping review
  • Africa


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