Evidence of Misclassification of Drug-Event Associations Classified as Gold Standard 'Negative Controls' by the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP)

Manfred Hauben, jeffrey Aronson, Robin Ferner

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Citations (Scopus)


    Introduction Pharmacovigilance includes analysis of
    large databases of information on drugs and events using
    algorithms that detect disproportional frequencies of associations.
    In order to test such algorithms, attempts have
    been made to provide canonical reference lists of so-called
    ‘positive controls’ and ‘negative controls’. Reference sets
    with even modest levels of misclassification may result in
    under- or overstatement of the performance of algorithms.
    Aim We sought to determine the extent to which ‘negative
    control’ drug–event pairs in the Observational Medical Outcomes
    Partnership (OMOP) database are misclassified
    Methods We searched the medical literature for evidence
    of associations between drugs and events listed by OMOP
    as negative controls.
    Results The criteria used in OMOP to classify positive
    and negative controls are asymmetric; drug–event associations
    published only as case series or case reports are
    classified as positive controls if they are cited in Drug-
    Induced Diseases by Tisdale and Miller, but as negative
    controls if case series or case reports exist but are not cited
    in Tisdale and Miller. Of 233 drug–event pairs classified in the 2013 version of OMOP as negative controls, 21 failed
    to meet pre-specified OMOP adjudication criteria; in
    another 19 cases we found case reports, case series, or
    observational evidence that the drug and event are associated.
    Overall, OMOP misclassified, or may have misclassified,
    40 (17 %) of all ‘negative controls.’
    Conclusions Results from studies of the performance of
    signal-detection algorithms based on the OMOP gold standard
    should be viewed with circumspection, because imperfect
    gold standards may lead to under/overstatement of
    absolute and relative signal detection algorithm performance.
    Improvements to OMOP would include omitting misclassified
    drug–event pairs, assigning more specific event labels,
    and using more extensive sources of information.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)421-432
    JournalDrug Safety
    Issue number5
    Early online date15 Feb 2016
    Publication statusPublished - May 2016


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