Kesecioglu, J, Rusinova, K, Alampi, D, Arabi, YM, Benbenishty, J, Benoit, D, Boulanger, C, Cecconi, M, Cox, C, van Dam, M, van Dijk, D, Downar, J
, Efstathiou, N, Endacott, R, Galazzi, A, van Gelder, F, Gerritsen, RT, Girbes, A, Hawyrluck, L, Herridge, M, Hudec, J, Kentish-Barnes, N, Kerckhoffs, M, Latour, JM, Malaska, J, Marra, A, Meddick-Dyson, S, Mentzelopoulos, S, Mer, M, Metaxa, V, Michalsen, A, Mishra, R, Mistraletti, G, van Mol, M, Moreno, R, Nelson, J, Suñer, AO, Pattison, N, Prokopova, T, Puntillo, K, Puxty, K, Qahtani, SA, Radbruch, L, Rodriguez-Ruiz, E, Sabar, R, Schaller, SJ, Siddiqui, S, Sprung, CL, Umbrello, M, Vergano, M, Zambon, M, Zegers, M, Darmon, M & Azoulay, E 2024, '
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine guidelines on end of life and palliative care in the intensive care unit',
Intensive Care Medicine.