Euler-Lagrange Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of a full-scale unconfined anaerobic digester for wastewater sludge treatment

Davide Dapelo, Jonathan Bridgeman

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For the first time, an Euler-Lagrange model for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to model a full-scale gas-mixed anaerobic digester. The design and operation parameters of a digester from a wastewater treatment works are modelled, and mixing is assessed through a novel, multi-facetted approach consisting of the simultaneous analysis of (i) velocity, shear rate and viscosity flow patterns, (ii) domain characterization following the average shear rate value, and (iii) concentration of a non-diffusive scalar tracer. The influence of sludge’s non-Newtonian behaviour on flow patterns and its consequential impact on mixing quality were discussed for the first time. Recommendations to enhance mixing effectiveness are given: (i) a lower gas mixing input power can be used in the digester modelled within this work without a significant change in mixing quality, and (ii) biogas injection should be periodically switched between different nozzle series placed at different distances from the centre.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Engineering Software
Early online date18 Aug 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Aug 2017


  • wastewater
  • sludge
  • CFD
  • Euler-Lagrangian
  • non-Newtonian fluid
  • turbulence
  • Energy


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