Estimator training method and pose estimating method using depth image

Jae Joon Han (Inventor), Danhang Tang (Inventor), Tae Kyun Kim (Inventor), Seung Ju Han (Inventor), Byung In Yoo (Inventor), Chang Kyu Choi (Inventor), Alykhan Tejani (Inventor), Hyung Jin Chang (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An estimator training method and a pose estimating method using a depth image are disclosed, in which the estimator training method may train an estimator configured to estimate a pose of an object, based on an association between synthetic data and real data, and the pose estimating method may estimate the pose of the object using the trained estimator.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS9311713
IPCG06T7/0046 et al
Priority date5/06/13
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2016


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