Entrepreneurial passion and product innovation intensity in new ventures: mediating effects of exploration and exploitation activities

Mujtaba Ahsan, Samuel Adomako, Francis Donbesuur, Kevin Mole

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In this paper, we examine the differential effects of entrepreneurial passion (EP) on product innovation intensity through the mediating mechanisms of exploration and exploitation activities. Using time-lagged data from 260 new ventures from Ghana, we examine the direct relationships between the three domains of EP (i.e., inventing, developing and founding) and a new venture’s product innovation intensity (PII). Further, we test the indirect relationships between the three domains of EP and PII through the mediating mechanisms of a new venture’s exploration and exploitation activities. The empirical results provide a fine-grained understanding of the relationship between EP, exploration and exploitation activities and PII. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBritish Journal of Management
Early online date3 Jun 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Jun 2022


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