Engineered antifouling microtopographies - correlating wettability with cell attachment

ML Carman, TG Estes, AW Feinberg, JF Schumacher, W Wilkerson, LH Wilson, Maureen Callow, James Callow, AB Brennan

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332 Citations (Scopus)


Bioadhesion and surface wettability are influenced by microscale topography. In the present study, engineered pillars, ridges and biomimetic topography inspired by the skin of fast moving sharks (Sharklet AF) were replicated in polydimethylsiloxane elastomer. Sessile drop contact angle changes on the surfaces correlated well (R2 = 0.89) with Wenzel and Cassie and Baxter's relationships for wettability. Two separate biological responses, i.e. settlement of Ulva linza zoospores and alignment of porcine cardiovascular endothelial cells, were inversely proportional to the width (between 5 and 20 microm) of the engineered channels. Zoospore settlement was reduced by approximately 85% on the finer (ca 2 microm) and more complex Sharklet AF topographies. The response of both cell types suggests their responses are governed by the same underlying thermodynamic principles as wettability.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-21
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2006


  • biomimetic
  • ulva
  • biofouling
  • ultrahydrophobic
  • microtopography
  • wettability
  • endothelial


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