Energy demand and reduction opportunities in the UK food chain

Peter Fryer, Savvas A. Tassou, Valentina Stojceska, Maria Kolokotroni, Baboo Gowreesunker, Serafim Bakalis, Adisa Azapagic

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Citations (Scopus)


The food chain comprises agricultural production, manufacturing, distribution, retail and consumption. In the UK it involves approximately 300,000 enterprises, it employs 3ṡ3 million people and accounts for £188 billion in consumer expenditure. The food chain is also responsible for 18% of total UK energy use, 176 MtCO2e emissions and 15 Mt of food waste. Estimates of energy consumption and emissions from the food chain vary between sources, primarily due to differences in the assumptions made, but the general consensus is that reduction in energy consumption and resource use in the food sector is not only vital for the profitability of the sector but also for food security and meeting the Government's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. This paper reviews the literature on energy consumption and emissions from each stage of the food sector and outlines approaches and technologies for demand reduction. It will provide the basis for further refinement of the estimates and development of methodologies and projects to effect significant reductions of energy and resource use as part of the End Use Energy Demand Initiative of Research Councils UK.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1400014
Pages (from-to)162-170
Number of pages8
JournalICE Proceedings
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2014


  • Energy conservation
  • sustainability
  • waste management and disposal


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