Emphasizing uncertainty, celebrating community and valuing values: science communication remedies for the COVID-19 era and beyond

Will Mason-Wilkes*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Specific pieces of science communication shape publics’ more general impression of science, whether intentionally or not. This, in turn, affects how publics interact with science, acts as citizens in techno-scientific societies, and ultimately has implications for the role of science as an institution in democratic societies. Representations of science that downplay scientific uncertainty, elide the role of the scientific community, and de-emphasize the values which define the institution of science have problematic consequences for science, publics and democracy. Therefore, though increasingly encouraged to communicate research to wider public audiences, scientists must think carefully about their communication practices. Specifically, the epistemic status of research findings, what elements of the process of knowledge creation are foregrounded, and the values which underpin the scientific community all need to be clearly communicated to the public. This article will help Early Career Researchers (ECRs) reflect on their public science communication and begin to develop communication practices of benefit to publics and science.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInterdisciplinary Science Reviews
Early online date5 Jan 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 5 Jan 2023


  • Science communication
  • uncertainty
  • scientific community
  • values
  • Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
  • practices
  • publics
  • democracy


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